Fluxes for Aluminum

General Cleaning and Drossing Fluxes
AlucoFlux AL – A very hot aluminum drossing-off flux. Some smoke may result from its use. Also, acts as a mild furnace or ladle wall cleaner when worked into build-up
AlucoFlux GD – A fast-acting, reduced smoke, and hottest drossing-off flux. It is used for all aluminum alloys except aluminum-magnesium. Will act as a mild furnace wall cleaner when worked into build-up.
AlucoFlux GD2 – A low-smoke, drossing-off flux for all aluminum alloys. Recommended when melting alloys containing strontium. Can be used on crucibles and reverberatory furnaces. Does not encourage burning of removed dross.
AlucoFlux GD3 – The lowest smoke-generating drossing-off flux for all aluminum alloys. Can be used on crucibles and reverberatory furnaces. Does not encourage burning of removed dross.
AlucoFlux GD5 – A low-smoke cover and drossing flux for reverberatory furnaces. Reduces metal oxidation during meltdown and promotes separation from dross.
AlucoFlux DS2 – A low-smoke cover and drossing flux for reverberatory furnaces. Similar to AlucoFlux GD-5
AlucoFlux GRC – A drossing-off flux for aluminum. Designed especially for low temperature situations.
Fluxes Designed for Aluminum-Silicon Alloys
AlucoFlux HS – A high silicon-aluminum cover and drossing flux. Serves as an excellent cover for all aluminum alloys, except aluminum-magnesium alloys. Especially good for aluminum-silicon alloys. Some sodium pick-up for modification will occur. Also, AlucoFlux HS will act as a mild furnace wall cleaner when worked into build-up.
Fluxes Designed for Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys
AlucoFlux HM – A high aluminum-magnesium cover and drossing flux. For aluminum alloys containing high magnesium (2% to 10% Mg). It is sodium-free and mainly used in crucibles.
Fluxes Designed for Sodium-Free Reactions
AlucoFlux SF – AlucoFlux SF is an alkaline-based, sodium-free flux and has the effective nature of a fluoride-containing compound for drossing. It is a smoke-generating cover flux for all aluminum alloys, especially silicon-aluminum. It is used as an exothermic cover and drossing flux for aluminum-magnesium alloys melted in reverb furnaces. AlucoFlux SF will promote an improved separation of the dross and the molten aluminum and will not lead to sodium pick-up. AlucoFlux SF is a powerful, reactive flux that can affect the modification of the aluminum. It also will act as a mild flux to gain control over the formation of insoluble build-up.
AlucoFlux SFM – AlucoFlux SFM is a sodium-free, calcium-free mildly exothermic cover and drossing flux for Aluminum Magnesium alloys (2% to 10% Mg). It is very effective in separating dross from metal in reverberatory furnaces, but can be used in crucibles when low fume evolution is important. AlucoFlux SFM is designed to allow aluminum cast shops a foolproof method to create dross and minimize oxidation of the magnesium in the molten metal.